Sack and Pillage Alert

All one has to do in the Deep South is mention “snow” or even “snow flurries” in a weather forecast, and it’s a given that residents will descend upon local grocery stores like barbarian hordes. All milk and bread will disappear from shelves within 12 hours. The sacking of Kroger. The pillaging of Publix.

Now, before you read any further, I must issue a caution: please keep in mind the Bernard Three-Day Theorem which states “never make or alter any plans based on a weather forecast beyond 72 hours into future.” Despite the proliferation of modern technology and computerized tools, that’s what this ancient meteorologist has learned the hard way a number of times.

Having said that, let me now state that the meteorological set up for snow toward the end of the week in parts of the Deep South (the northern halves of Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia including Atlanta) is about as good as I’ve seen in over 20 years of weather watching in Dixie.

It’s tough to get meteorological conditions–the requisite amounts of cold air and moisture–to come together to produce snow in this part of the world. Which is why, obviously, it doesn’t snow much in the land of Mint Juleps and magnolias.

But with a frigid air mass in place and not going anywhere, and at least a small storm expected to bubble up along the Gulf Coast, the table is set. Bring on the barbarians. And maybe at least try to remember where you stowed your snow shovel. (It’s that thing with a broad, flat scoop on the end of a long handle.)

Anyhow, what I’m thinking is that there’s a decent chance for several inches of snow spreading eastward across the aforementioned areas of the South on Thursday and Friday.

Well, you’re right: the Bernard Three-Day Theorem. So ignore my musings. (I should know better. Lots can go wrong.) But start paying close attention to your local meteorological soothsayers and The Weather Channel Monday and Tuesday.

Me? I’m heading for Kroger today.

Photo: Snowplow in action.
Could Atlanta and much of the Deep South look like this by the end of the week?  Well, maybe.


  1. The Frigidness of February | Buzz Bernard on May 2, 2011 at 1:21 pm

    […] the Deep South may not escape unscathed, either. I suppose I could have issued a Sack and Pillage Alert Part Duh for portions of Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and the Carolinas for Friday. And while […]

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