I’m getting ready to go on a book tour. As soon as January 2nd hits, I’m outta here, off to plague the world with my authorial presence.
Okay, it’s not a real tour, it’s a virtual tour, one in which I hop around the Blogosphere for two months, touting the virtues of my new novel, Plague. Every day or two in January and February I’ll be the guest of a different blogger.
I don’t have an itinerary yet, but I’ll post one here as soon as I do.
In the meantime, I’ll start packing my bags. Normally I hate packing for a trip, but in the case of this tour, there’s virtually nothing to it.
Wonder if I’ll have to eat virtual food while I’m traveling. I suppose that could lead to weight loss . . . simulated, of course.
Ah, the joys of virtual touring . . . I don’t even have to get up in the mornings to make it to my interviews. It’s all virtual reality. You’ll probably see a nice photo of me—-a spiffy electronic image—-on various Websites, while the real-life me sits in my office, red-eyed, grumpy and unshaven, dribbling coffee down my jammies.
One thing authors on tour, real tours, dread is no one showing up for a book signing. At least on a virtual tour, you don’t know whether anyone shows up or not. So I can be happy in my ignorance and just assume throngs are elbowing their way into my various blog stops to hear about Plague.
I like this. I’ve got it virtually made.
IMAGE: The author at a non-virtual book signing, the launch of Plague, September 15 at Peerless Book Store in Alpharetta, Georgia.